Fully yumtown. Total technical term. It is balanced as hell. The tannins belie the age tho I think in a few years this wine would merit “INTERESTING and also yummy” but right now it stops at yummy and I’m ok with that. Ripe berries: blue, black and rasp. Tannins that are not sooo aggressive yet could use a couple years. The alcohol and acid will stand. Realllllly enjoy this now—am picturing with a bread plate, nuts, dried fruit and a canapé mushroom...but in lieu of all that in youth I just say suck it down then worry about sustenance. All in all I’m into the Chateau Godeau Ducarpe.
Fully yumtown. Total technical term. It is balanced as hell. The tannins belie the age tho I think in a few years this wine would merit “INTERESTING and also yummy” but right now it stops at yummy and I’m ok with that. Ripe berries: blue, black and rasp. Tannins that are not sooo aggressive yet could use a couple years. The alcohol and acid will stand. Realllllly enjoy this now—am picturing with a bread plate, nuts, dried fruit and a canapé mushroom...but in lieu of all that in youth I just say suck it down then worry about sustenance. All in all I’m into the Chateau Godeau Ducarpe.
Nov 14th, 2017
Classic French Bordeaux, nice fruit to start with just the right amount of sweetness, with a peppery leather tannic finish. I can’t remember the price but others are reporting inexpensive.
Classic French Bordeaux, nice fruit to start with just the right amount of sweetness, with a peppery leather tannic finish. I can’t remember the price but others are reporting inexpensive.
Jun 17th, 2022
Really tasty. Solid ripe red Cherry fruit forward, soft tannins and acidity. Very drinkable.
Really tasty. Solid ripe red Cherry fruit forward, soft tannins and acidity. Very drinkable.
Nov 26th, 2020
Good just out of the bottle, a little hot. Will edit after about an hour or so. Decanting. Much better, I think I’ll buy more.
Good just out of the bottle, a little hot. Will edit after about an hour or so. Decanting. Much better, I think I’ll buy more.
Mar 8th, 2019