Hermes Cuello
Very bad wine, maybe good for cooking
Simi Dube
I liked this one. With salmon and melted cherry tomatoes.
Rob Mayes
Eh not bad for $10
シャトーカバロン 2015年 ボルドー SB/セミヨン青リンゴや白いお花のフルーティーさを感じて、とても美味しかった♡一緒に送られて来たブイヤベースとピッタリ‼︎こういうワイン好きだなぁ^ ^
Jessica Vincent-Sykes
Don't care for it, not to bad. Was better with food.
Tuyen Mai
Okay. Probs would not rebuy
Chaitra Manjunath
Chaitra had this 9 years ago