Jean Bourque
Léger mérite une petite carafe sinon un peu corsé
Yvonne Espinosa
This was awesome! I've never had a Malbec from France & really enjoyed it
Richie Mello
Its musky, but that's about it. Not terrible but just nothing special or Malbec like. Sad. #roundtwo
Tom Crowe
Their feature wine. $9 for a nice pour. Hard to find a nice glass in town. Quite happy with this. I've been to this region in France. It is a Malbec.
Audrey Nadeau
Amanda Wadeson
Amanda had this 9 years ago
Andriana Lehr
Andriana had this 10 years ago
Christian Synnett
Christian had this 10 years ago
Gege B
Gege had this 10 years ago