Бруснично, ваниль, хьюмидор, элегантно. Аккуратное базовое Бордо, приятное, но ничем не поражающее.
Бруснично, ваниль, хьюмидор, элегантно. Аккуратное базовое Бордо, приятное, но ничем не поражающее.
Feb 8th, 2021
Shades of dull purple, a bit cloudy, and a bit copper tone on the rim. Nose of nice ripe black cherry, strawberry, aldehyde, vanilla, spice, smooth in the nasal cavity, and hint of oak note. Nose is good and mature. Taste follows the nose with addition of mature tannins, slightly sweet, and tasty. Aftertaste is medium and mellow. Peak time now. Enjoy her now.
Shades of dull purple, a bit cloudy, and a bit copper tone on the rim. Nose of nice ripe black cherry, strawberry, aldehyde, vanilla, spice, smooth in the nasal cavity, and hint of oak note. Nose is good and mature. Taste follows the nose with addition of mature tannins, slightly sweet, and tasty. Aftertaste is medium and mellow. Peak time now. Enjoy her now.
Sep 18th, 2020
Nice full body Bordeaux for the price. Cinnamon, chocolate and ripped very sweet tomato in this order. Plum and cherry on the palate.
Nice full body Bordeaux for the price. Cinnamon, chocolate and ripped very sweet tomato in this order. Plum and cherry on the palate.
Jan 12th, 2020