Celler Molí dels Capellans

Atrepat Trepat

8.93 ratings
-no pro ratings
Conca de Barberá, Catalunya, Spain
Top Notes For
Neil Blaze

Another adventure with an obscure grape. You never know what you're going to get when you pop the cork on a wine like this, but I was not disappointed one bit. It had a great freshness about it with notes of earth, dried herbs, and tart cherry. Will definitely track this one down again in the future! 100% Trepat. 8/19/22.

Another adventure with an obscure grape. You never know what you're going to get when you pop the cork on a wine like this, but I was not disappointed one bit. It had a great freshness about it with notes of earth, dried herbs, and tart cherry. Will definitely track this one down again in the future! 100% Trepat. 8/19/22.

May 5th, 2022

Lleuger i afruitat. Recorda a un pinot jove. Molt recomanable.

Lleuger i afruitat. Recorda a un pinot jove. Molt recomanable.

Mar 11th, 2020

Alicia had this 4 years ago

Alicia had this 4 years ago

Aug 24th, 2021