Reinholds Zviedris
I was expecting much better taste - instead it was more like old lemonade that was left too long in the sun so it's started to ferment.
Like it!
Giancarlo Robba
Nariz muy cremosa y láctea. Boca dulce pero bien equilibrada. Muy ligero.Really creamy and lactic on the nose. Sweet but balanced mouth. Light.
Rafael Luque Cervantes
Dulce pero nunca demasiado
Brad Hoover
Much sweeter wine than I normally like, but not bad for what it is.
Daniel The spanish
Daniel had this a year ago
Ale Reyna
Ale had this 5 years ago
Carolina Pocovi
Carolina had this 7 years ago
old had this 8 years ago
Damian Sobrino
Damian had this 9 years ago