The Petite Syrah by which I judge all other Petite Syrahs. Full-bodied, rich dark berry, tobacco, earthy hints of peppery spice, but soft. Tannins are mild, easy. Deep purple with ruby edges and just a pale hint of oxidation.
The Petite Syrah by which I judge all other Petite Syrahs. Full-bodied, rich dark berry, tobacco, earthy hints of peppery spice, but soft. Tannins are mild, easy. Deep purple with ruby edges and just a pale hint of oxidation.
Jan 2nd, 2016
Transparent garnet purple in the glass. Nose is very shy, even in the Riedel New World Syrah glass. Surprisingly bland on the palate; soft and silky with no tannins to speak of at all and a feel of overdone malolactic. It's as if Blue Mountain over compensated for the very aggressive 2009 vintage. The lack of even faint blue- or blackberry flavors makes me wonder if this is even the right wine. Totally uncharacteristic.
Transparent garnet purple in the glass. Nose is very shy, even in the Riedel New World Syrah glass. Surprisingly bland on the palate; soft and silky with no tannins to speak of at all and a feel of overdone malolactic. It's as if Blue Mountain over compensated for the very aggressive 2009 vintage. The lack of even faint blue- or blackberry flavors makes me wonder if this is even the right wine. Totally uncharacteristic.
Jan 19th, 2015