Alkimi Wines

Heathcote Grenache Rose

9.01 ratings
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Heathcote, Central Victoria, Victoria, Australia
Chocolate & Caramel, Herbs, Soft Cheese, Salami & Prosciutto, Turkey, Pasta, Mushrooms, Veal, Tomato-Based, Chicken, Exotic Spices, Potato, White Rice, Duck, Nuts & Seeds, Onion, Shallot, Garlic, Asian Cuisine, Salads & Greens, Quinoa, Farro, Brown Rice, Quinoa
Top Notes For
Aaron Tan

My favourite of the lot. Lovely interplay of fruit, richness (texture and RS), and savoury chars (barrel and malo?). Note that 16's a riper year. Little bit of RS here and not full malo.

My favourite of the lot. Lovely interplay of fruit, richness (texture and RS), and savoury chars (barrel and malo?). Note that 16's a riper year. Little bit of RS here and not full malo.

Aug 10th, 2017