

Yamhill-Carlton Pinot Noir 2010

#pre-racefuel — 10 years ago

Sue Lyle
with Sue
Christina liked this
Christina Lewis

Christina Lewis

I miss all the fun.

Marimar Estate (Marimar Torres)

Stony Block Don Miguel Vineyard Pinot Noir 2010

Sue had this 11 years ago

Corrie Lyle
with Corrie
Corrie, Christina and 1 other liked this
Corrie Lyle

Corrie Lyle

Corrie Lyle

Corrie Lyle

And too bad we don't know who's place this is.
Corrie Lyle

Corrie Lyle

And by who's I mean whose.

Greenock Creek

Cornerstone Grenache 2006

Kathy Berez

18.5% alcohol — 11 years ago

Chris Pittenger

Chris Pittenger Influencer Badge

Lamar Hannah

Lamar Hannah

Seems worth a try just for the 18.5% :)