Another bottle of wine in whistler cabin!! And bean time! — 9 years ago
Great Dessert Wine. Especially with key lime pie — 10 years ago
Enjoyed Black Friday morning on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean at Sea Ranch, CA. Much better than shopping! Now (7PM) Hendrix our Standard Poodle is knocked out after another day in Paradise. A romantic day. Nice mousse and almond aftertaste on the wine. — 7 years ago
The +1 factor from being in paradise affects wines, too! Accompanying Ono bubble and squeak courtesy of Sheldon and Tinroof! The only thing that blows here is Nakelele.
— 8 years ago
It almost tastes like a whiskey (new to wine) — 9 years ago
Paradise Ranch Ice Wine from the VQA- Okanagan Vally-VQA from British Columbia, Canada. it's a sweet wine that will give you chills — 12 years ago
A 12 year old Syrah that could have gracefully gone another 4-6 seasons in bottle. Tannins were harsh and gripping initially, but after the first half of Bachelor in Paradise, the wine opened up and flowered. Nailed the acids. Smoke, Clove, aged tobacco and balanced oak work their way out of the glass. More gritty earth, clove and soft, worn lederhosen fill the mouth. This wine was very tasty. — 7 years ago
Lovely sweetness that doesn't linger. Big fan! — 9 years ago
21 Steps in Whistler — 12 years ago
Livio Pastorino
Disfrutando de este Icewine, de riesling, estas uvas se dejan madurar completamente en el calor del verano y luego se dejan congelar naturalmente durante el invierno a -8°C; vista: colores amarillos, verdosos, nariz: aromas, manzana, cítricos, boca: sedoso, miel, limon, piña, acompañe con frutas frescas, piña, frutos secos, pasas rubias, pie de manzana, el postre no debe ser más dulce que el vino, temperatura de servicio 10°-12°C, Saludos #icewine #canada #winelovers #pisco
— 4 years ago