Ekstrem saftig, brombær, hyldebær, ekstrakt, god syre, høj høj drikkeglæde. — 5 years ago
Crunchy fresh and bright. Raspberry blueberry juice squeeze. — 6 years ago
Such lightness and freshness, like when you breathe clean mountain air. Yet it has real taste and depth. Radically different from any German red, I really cannot compare it to any other wine in memory. How do they make this? — 6 years ago
Sauvignon Blanc, ein in der Nase angenehm zurückhaltender Vertreter, im Mund zieht der richtig, Understatement auf hohem Niveau — 5 years ago
Petnat rose , fun and more full than other Andi Knauss rose but not dying to go back, but still fun — 6 years ago
Juicy, high minerality, all round great red. If you love pinot but want something a little more... this is the wine for you — 6 years ago
Very nice! — 5 years ago
Delicious!!! Super fresh expression of a natural Trollinger. Light bodied. Bright acidity. Young red fruit. Bitter herbs and mineral finish. — 5 years ago
Ben Russell
Better than most champagnes — 4 years ago