Simonsig Wine Estate


Tiara Stellenbosch Cabernet Sauvignon Blend 2016

2016 is very nice. Let it breath before you whack it. — a month ago


Frans Malan Cape Blend 2015


Syltiga mörka bär God till Coq au vine — 6 years ago


Stellenbosch Chenin Blanc 2023

All the bittersweet-appley-honeysuckle-honeydew melon-sappy nose notes with a whiff of passion fruit livening it all. On the palate, samesies, but with major hits of grapefruit rind and glistening acidity. At the same time, there is a bit of sapidity, of grip, of (I think some call it) phenolic bitterness at play. It is so good. — 7 months ago

Serge, Daniel and 3 others liked this


The Garland Stellenbosch Cabernet Sauvignon 2011

Выпито 24.09.19 в Бальзамине в г. Обнинске. Первая проба этого шикарного каберне совиньона 2011 года. Бутылка лимитированной серии ( N 560) в великодлепном подарочном футляре с сертификатом и описанием урожая. При первом глотке чувствуется маслянистость. Затем проступают нотки вишни и на послевкусие появляется. перчинка. Достойное вино из первой десятки Сталенбоша. Однозначно , надо купить несколько ящиков. — 5 years ago


Stellenbosch Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot 2012

I approve of this 2012 vintage! — 6 years ago


Reserve Collection Stellenbosch Chenin Blanc Pinotage 2020

Exclusive to Woolworths.
Fruity blend
— 2 years ago


Sunbird South Africa Sauvignon Blanc 2017

John Howard

Wow! Amazing value. Fresh and delicious. Love. — 6 years ago

P, Severn and 6 others liked this


Kaapse Vonkel Brut Rosé Blend 2015

A Pinot trifecta: Noir, Meunier and Pinotage, the South African grape. The wine bubbles up vigorously, but the festive nature disappears quickly. The nose is earthy, but fairly muted in that respect and in that of the red fruit. Palate-wise, the wine disappoints a bit. It does have a tasty, savory flavor and a nice shot of acidity, but I wanted a little more fruit expression. Maybe I should stop complaining and just enjoy what is a thoroughly drinkable, but slightly underwhelming bubbly. — 7 years ago

David, Chris and 5 others liked this


@Randy Fuller Randy good review and yes sometimes you just have to enjoy Cheers 🍷
Randy Fuller

Randy Fuller Influencer Badge

Right, Phil. Thanks!