New Belgium Three Floyds

Three (3) Floyds Brewing Co.

Yum Yum American Session Ale

Three Floyd's Brewing Cool. Yum Yum American Sessian Ale - incredible new bottling with candied hoppy zesty deliciousness! #delectable #beer #FFF #yumyum — 9 years ago

Velma and Troy liked this

New Belgium Brewing Company

Lips of Faith Series Le Terroir Dry Hopped Sour Ale 2014

Might be the best beer I have ever had. Seriously. Combines two of my three favorite styles, sour and happy ales. Had this last week with a few beer geeks and this cracked their top 5 as well. My wife loved it too. Perfect happy nose with hints of citrus and Meyer lemon. Sour profile appeared on the palate with a nice dry finish. . — 10 years ago

New Belgium/Three Floyds

Lips Of Faith Series Grätzer Ale

I pondered going to bed but this lovely little beast called my name. why can't monsters get along with other monsters? — 10 years ago

Matthew and Meredith liked this