Lielisks kompanjons aukstajam galdam ar cietajiem sieriem, šķiņķi un drāzeņiem :) Viens no nedaudzajiem frančiem, kura pirkšanu nenožēloju. Sky šobrīd ar atlaidi. — 11 years ago
@Vespertine delicious. peach, clove, anise
Drank it with raw scallops and burnt onion — 5 years ago
Promotion dinner sake. Gorgeously fragrant rice, sips of honeydew — 6 years ago
Tastes very much like an Italian wine. One of my preferred Italian wines. Medium-bodied. No overwhelming flavor. — 9 years ago
Vīns, kuru baudījām paša vikonta rezidencē, pēc brauciena no Lisabonas, kura pēdējie kilometri bija kraujš lauku serpentīns. Karaliska vieta 25 vai 50 gadu kāzu jubilejai un atbilstošas noskaņas vīns, kura kvalitātes ir neatraujamas no vietas. — 12 years ago
Jamie Lauder
Yoshi no gawa is the kura (brewery) in Niigata, Japan. They were founded in 1548. Yes, you read that right.
Gohyaku Mangoku rice is used. Milled to Honjozo sake….35% removed with 65% remaining. A small amount of brewers alcohol is added.
When chilled, it’s creamy with crisp green melon, minerals and white nougat.
It changes with a couple of degrees in temperature.
As it warms, more richer, earthy rounder mushroom flavours.
Snow, colder temperatures, beautiful water, experienced Toji and top quality rice are essential to produce award winning nihon shu.
Niigata excels in all categories. — 3 years ago