Mas Cal Demoura

Mas Foraster

Josep Foraster Trepat

Trepat fresc i lleuger. Fruites vermelles, bona acidesa, però li cal una mica de complexitat. — 5 years ago

Mas Cal Demoura

Les Combariolles Red Blend 2017

Much more interesting than the Jonquieres. A bit sharp on finish. — 9 months ago

Lyle, Severn and 1 other liked this

Mas Cal Demoura

Paroles de Pierres Pays de l'Hérault Red Blend 2015

Well, it is not a red but a white one. Excellent if not too cold. — 7 years ago

Bodegas Mas Perinet

Perinet Priorat Red Blend 2006

GeorgeH. La Bodegueta de Cal Pep.
— 5 years ago

Celler Cal Pla

Mas d'en Compte Porrera Priorat Grenache Blend

I miss these luscious earthy wines which makes me feel I am soaking in a mud bath eating ripe cherries. Ummmm..... — 8 years ago

Pierre Costa
with Pierre
Paul, Velma and 1 other liked this