Les Vignerons D'alignan Du Vent Neffiès

Vignerons d'Alignan du Vent

Cinquante-Cinq Sauvignon Blanc 2014

Brightens a winter day. Crisp and easily drinkable. Complimented a lemon sole with pesto rice...dad's pesto, imported from Florida, so you know it's good. — 8 years ago

John Ruvolo
with John
John and Anthony liked this

Vignerons d'Alignan du Vent

Cinquante-Cinq Viognier 2014

Joel Pennington #❤️🐢🍷

A dialed back Viogner - perfect for pairing with Singapore Noodles. — 9 years ago

Vignerons d'Alignan du Vent

Cinquante-Cinq Vin de Pays d'Oc Chardonnay 2012

Nice earthy French Chardonnay. Minimal oakiness. Enjoyed at The Wishing Well. — 10 years ago