Le Scarabee Isabelle Frère

Le Scarabee - Isabelle Frère

Sur un Nuage Grenache Carignan Blend

seems very nice
9 out of 10, i would say
— 8 years ago

Le Scarabee - Isabelle Frère

Le Scarabée Isidore Red Rhône Blend

My "dealer" suggested it would be easy to think at first sip that this is gamay but the tartness & fruit is askew so suggesting something else. It's a co ferment of carignan, grenache gris & syrah each added to the ferment when ripe. Reductive at first & on a night like tonight best chilled down. — 8 years ago

Le Scarabee - Isabelle Frère

Nina Vin de France

— 9 years ago