La Crescent

Vignoble de la Bauge

La Renversante

Super balanced maceration fuzzy peach skin refresher citrus blast — 3 months ago

Elmaro Vineyard

Elmaro La Crescent

Intense Gewurz like fruit and aroma. Sav blanc savory acidity — 3 years ago

Monarch Winery

Pearl Crescent Pear Apple Wine

7/26/2022: The wines here were just average. — 3 years ago

La Garagista

Arlette Pétillant Natural 2019

Couldn’t tell which grape this smelled like, La Crescent or something else. Overripe yellow pear and Meyer lemon flavors. Fantastic color. — 3 years ago

Josh Smith
with Josh

Crescent Hill Winery

Glennallyn Private Reserve Okanagan Valley Gewürztraminer 2020

We've stopped in at this winery several times over the years, and going through the tastings here to us have felt hit or miss... That sounds bad, but I actually love that... Wineries that put out consistent but mundane wines lack soul in my opinion... Anyway, back to the wine at hand... The color here seems deeper and more amber than the average gewurtz... On the nose, this feels like cantaloupe, ripe peach and mineral... Is this an "orange nose"? On the palate, that stone fruit comes to life, but I'm still leaning cantaloupe here... Sage... Minerality to be sure... There's a suggestion of sweetness here that makes me wonder if in fact this is off-dry... I'm not getting as many herbal notes as is typical of gewurtz, but that sage again stands out. A dry herb feel. Why am I thinking about those peaches that have a donut shape? Medium body with less than medium acidity. I don't know what I would pair food-wise here... Is it sweet? Is it dry? A pairing is complicated... Maybe just go with a glass of wine all by itself in an Adirondack chair in the garden... The length of the finish is long almost reminiscent of Dr. McGillicuddy's peach schnapps but with a sweetness like a Bellini from Milestones back in the day. Yes. This is a Bellini finish. I actually do enjoy it. — 3 months ago

Anita Beishuizen
with Anita

Cedar Ridge Vineyards

Iowa Varietal Series Dry St. Croix

La Crescent was so good. White that is not too sweet, not too dry. Yum! — 3 years ago

Rogue Farms

Pumpkin Patch Ale

Cola brown with limited hairdo. Disembodied flying bubble-eye pops to galactic swirl and water Buffalo horns in a crescent then ghost trail. Gingerbread cupcake intro sports chunks of candied ginger and a ginseng twang surfing a graham cracker and date aspect. Nice bitter cinnamon bite to start the palate. Allspice and saffron bring their bitter sweets turning trick to treat and brown sugar mixes it up with spiced tea to bring it all home. Pumpkin is very prominent here, to appease the complainers, which is nice! Stop the bellyaching! .
#rogue #roguebrewing #roguebrewery #pumpkinbeer #roguepumpkin #roguepumpkinpatchale #dareriskdream #rogueales #newportOR #orbeer #roguedotcom
— 4 years ago

Mike, Sharon and 1 other liked this

La Garagista

Vinu Jancu Vermont La Crescent 2016

Maybe a touch over the hill but still lovey orangeade — a year ago

Tom liked this

La Garagista

Harlots & Ruffians White Blend

Blend of hybrid varieties Frontenac Gris (25%) and La Crescent (75%) from a vineyard in Vergennes, in the Champlain Valley (Vermont). Very good, complex. You could not tell these are hybrid varieties — a year ago