Tsuyoshi Enoki
Sake Specialist Hasegawa Sake Shop Tokyo
Name:" Kawanakajima"/ subtitle:" Gembu"/ brewery: Shusen Kurano/ region: Nagano prefecture/ category: junmaiginjo unfiltered undiluted unpasturised/ fresh fruity flavor of peach and pear, comfortable light sweet attack with crispy acid, smooth after. — 11 years ago
Tsuyoshi Enoki
Sake Specialist Hasegawa Sake Shop Tokyo
Name:" Kawanakajima"/ subtitle:" Gembu"/ brewery: Shusen Kurano/ region: Nagano prefecture/ category: junmaiginjo unfiltered undiluted unpasturised/ fresh fruity flavor of peach and pear, comfortable light sweet attack with crispy acid, smooth after. — 11 years ago