Something like if pineapple and kiwi came to fisticuffs. Some autolytic character balances bright, assertive acidity. I feel like I could drink about a case, then another case, then one more case. — 8 years ago
A year in the bottle, lots of chocolate and spice notes. Reminiscent of Mexican Cake but more of a porter-style malt forwardness — 9 years ago
Delicious enough that I pretended to be a BART wino to bring home the second half. — 9 years ago
MaJ CappS
Like a warm piñon campfire, from the next Valley, this nose wafts.
Blue vs red berries throwing fisticuffs around my tongue, refereed by a stavely gent, in a light, acid suit.
(Sometimes I channel Randall Grahm)
I love this wine house. Amazing.
¡Vive Mexico! — 7 years ago