Very nice wine. Had it with ribs. — 10 years ago
Title deed 2012
Cabrenet sauvignon, merlot, Cabrenet franc, petit verdot och Malbec
Sydafrikanskt vin
Mycket välsmakande med viss beska från skalen. Fungerar mycket bra till punsch perlin — 11 years ago
Thomas Saville
excellent but too young. had to make a buy decision for more bottles so decided to open it. decanted 3 hours. PnP and it was very tight and tannins very strong. berry and tobacco on the nose. after 2 hours it loosened up and the nose and palette 7 opened to dark berries and violets. had against th 13 Black Croydon. split decision with the crowd which was prefered. certainly the Hunnicutt was more refined and slightly more oak. served with ribeye and paired perfectly. — 8 years ago