Surprisingly tasty. Perfect for a warm spring day. — 9 years ago
Un peu gras. Légèrement salée plutôt agréable. Jolie bouquet avec notes dominante de rubarbe. Un bel équilibre gras/acidité. Très minéral. Dommage les vins suisse sont trop cher — 7 years ago
Peppery, medium light in body — 9 years ago
This is my first Petite Arvine, and probably might be my only one as I don't know if I'll ever have a chance to return to Switzerland. The wine is spectacular, it's reminiscent of white Rhine varietals somewhere between a GB and Viognier (or a blend of the two). Not overly fat or flabby, but it has a medium bodied weight to it. Predominantly grapefruit notes with a low acidity and a bit of rind on the finish. — 8 years ago
Ed Ryder
Supple and smooth but with enough body for some meat — 2 years ago