Wow! What a treat! Not only did I get to enjoy this smooth Syrah, but I got one night away from the Princess and the Frog. — 9 years ago
Opened this guy tonight — 12 years ago
Cherry. Good finish. — 10 years ago
Dark fruit, touch of earth, carneros border.. Blend of 777 and 667.. — 10 years ago
Sandeep palit
I'm surprised to see Pro's rate this wine an average of 8.6? I've been celler-ing this 2005 so I can see how it holds up and just drank two bottles in the past month!! It's so smooth like a blue label whiskey! Why anyone thinks this wine deserves an 8.6 do tell! I don't give any wine 10 but this should balance those 8.6! It's in the 9.3 range from what I have tasted IMO! — 8 years ago