Bowines Fillo

Bowines Fillo

Valle del Maule Old Vines Carignan 2014

The younger brother of Carae, this new Movi wine is full of joy, beautiful red fruits, lovely acidity, light body, nice! — 9 years ago


Malcriado Valle del Maule Carignan Cabernet Sauvignon

Opaco a translucidez
Brillo: Medio Alto
Ausencia de Sedimentos
Color: Granate con destellos Violeta
Intensidad: Media
Viscosidad: Media Alta
Menisco: Variación de Ribete Corta, con segunda tonalidad Violeta

Intensidad: Media
Frutos Maduros
Amplios Frutos Rojos (Cereza y Fresa)
Flores: Vainilla
Especies: Pimienta, Canela
Suelo Matriz Orgánica
Presencia de Madera
Extras: Confitado, Nuez

Semi Dulce
Cuerpo: Medio
Acidez: Media Baja
Alcohol: Medio Alto
Taninos: Medio
Complejidad: Media
Final: Medio

Notas: Un blend muy interesante, audaz y finamente integrado. Afrutado, confitado, con mucha clase. Digno de camaradería.
— 3 years ago


Bowines Malcriado Blend

What a neat wine. Picked up in Santiago at a boutiques importer shop.
Vegetal nose - tomato stalk and peppercorns. Steering acidity racing through citrus and tannic interludes. A wild, wild ride.
Translates to "Spoiled Brat"
— 8 years ago

Trixie, Ellen and 2 others liked this


Liked your review and photo with the potatoes!🥔
MaJ CappS

MaJ CappS Influencer Badge

Thanks @Trixie! Just dug them up from a barrel outside and was air drying them. Perfect bed for an esoteric wine. Both origins of South America.