Name:" Do Kara"/ brewery: Yamamoto general partnership company/ region: Akita prefecture/ category: extra dry junmai/ light note, sharp bitterness, crispy clear acid. — 10 years ago
Name:" Yamamoto"/ brewery: Yamamoto general partnership company/ region: Hachimine, Akita prefecture/ category: uncleared junmaiginjo unpasturised/ cépage: Misato nishiki/ note of fresh fruits, rich attack, soft texture. — 11 years ago
Name:" Shirataki"/ brewery: Yamamoto general partnership company/ region: Hachimine, Akita prefecture/ category: junmai daiginjo unpressed squeezed undiluted/ clear note, vivid acid, smooth taste — 11 years ago
Name:" Yamamoto"/ brewery: Yamamoto general partnership company/region: Hachimine, Akita prefecture/ category: junmaiginjo unpasturised/cépage: Sake Komachi/ vigorous acid and juicy attack. — 11 years ago
Tsuyoshi Enoki
Sake Specialist Hasegawa Sake Shop Tokyo
Name:" Shirataki"/ brewery: Yamamoto general partnership company/ region: Akita prefecture/ category: junmai/ cépage: Miyamanishiki/ light note of apple and cider, fresh fruity attack, crispy acid mild texture, and smooth after — 10 years ago