

Thracian Gold Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot 2015

A Master piece from Chamlija. Just released this week. — 6 years ago

İsmail and Jocelyn liked this


Cabernet Franc 2014

Chamlija Cabernet Franc has just been released.
100% Cabernet Franc
Single Vineyard bottling.
Origin: Strandja Mountains
Altitude: 385 meteres a.s.l
Distance from sea: 35 km from Black Sea SW coast
Soil structure: Alluvial fan, plenty of quartz gravels including some petrified wood as well.
Google location: 41° 41' 56.63" N 27° 37' 0.78" E
Harvest Date: October 21st, 2014
Verasion to Harvest: 66 days
Verasion to Harvest avarage temperature: 16.5 degrees Celcius.
Brix at Harvest: 23 Brix
Alcohol: 13.5%
Ph: 3.6
Acidity: 6.7 grams tartaric
Oak aging: Total 6 months in Central of France origin top quality French oak.
This Cabernet Franc has very nice Bourgueil type of raspberries and pencil shavings nose. Medium-bodied, fruit-driven style. Silky, juicy, refreshing with complex notes of undergrowth, spice,mint and ripe berry fruit. Reminds me Bourgueil Cabernet Francs.
— 9 years ago

Devrim, İpek and 3 others liked this
Kyle B

Kyle B

I doubt this wine was actually kept at such a high altitude. That's the stuff they tell you to trick you into buying it! Bet that stuff came from 100 m.

Kara Sevda

Chamlija Papazkarasi 2016

Bright red / med visco
N: whole bunch ferment / peppery / spicy / cherry / cranberry / med intensity
P: soft tan / high asi / low alc / light body / minerality salty
— 7 years ago


Cabernet & Cabernet Baglari Cabernet Franc Cabernet Sauvignon 2013

Beauty from Chamlija, Cabernet& Cabernet
#turkishwine #wineofturkey
45% C.Franc & 45% C.Sauvignon & %10 Merlot
— 9 years ago

Devrim, Mustafa and 3 others liked this



This is the best Chamlija Narince. — 8 years ago

Cem liked this



Chamlija Papaskarası rezerv. Great balance and elegance. — 8 years ago


Istranca Pinot Noir 2013

Yine Cantinery yine bir Chamlija degustasyonu. Bu kez pinot noir. Fazla tanenli ve henüz çok genç. Birkaç yıl dinlenirse kendini gerçek anlamda bulabilecek bir şarap. Yine başarılı bir çalışma. Tebrikler sevgili @mustafacamlica — 10 years ago

Velma, Koray and 6 others liked this