A bit sour, a bit crisp (pro longed taste), a bit dry. Kushal snd Tomas at industry kitch — 8 years ago
Young nose, fruity, bite on back of toungue, light viscosity - e/CEJ before Indian food on an April evening (not a joke) — 8 years ago
Slightly rough finish but smooth entrance. Lacks a bit of taste - small fruit aroma — 8 years ago
Sharp bite, light viscosity, dry, young fruit - w/ Julian and Charles after a long week of work @ Grand Morsi — 8 years ago
On my way to Mex - bizclass. Quite good, pleasantly harsh, awesome with the served cheese (goat). Would try again! — 8 years ago
Wetter but still has a bite. Derek shared it with me after soccer practice — 7 years ago
Ate w/ Malaysian food w/ Charles and Julian after CDMX. Some bit w/ liquid after taste — 8 years ago
Drinking w/ Maddi. Fruity, smooth, medium body, low tannins. Something about swallowing wine and tasting it — 7 years ago