Rich and bracing! — 7 years ago
Andolutely delicious! Cherry vanilla creaminess sparked by pepper, bolstered by a strong centralized banking system. ;-) — 8 years ago
Creamy and buttery, with notes of lemon and honey—perfect for a crisp, sunny fall day! — 6 years ago
Crisp and clean, with a light oak finish — 7 years ago
Spicy berry flavors make for a lively wine, but the finish is a bit too tannic for my taste. Still drinking it all--it's not like it's horrible! — 8 years ago
Rich berry and spice flavors, dark chocolate, and a dry yet smooth finish make for a delicious, hearty red! — 7 years ago
Crisp, with herbal and citrus, and a pop of anise or licorice — 7 years ago
Delicious! Smooth black cherry and vanilla, with a hint of spice. I will be hoarding this one! — 8 years ago
Light honey, citrus, and cream balanced by an apple crispness--a wonderful discovery at Aldi's and sure to be a summer favorite! — 8 years ago
Tish Calhamer
A black cherry and vanilla smoothness balanced by the zip of black pepper—this is a full-bodied yet velvety merlot that will keep me company this fall and winter! I found it at Aldi’s for $7.99–all the better! — 6 years ago