A good summer beer to enjoy outside. — 7 years ago
This wine isn't the best. It almost gives you that hope in the first glass that maybe the flavor sunk to the bottom of the bottle. By the time you finish that first bland glass you get the courage to explore the rest of the bottle to see if there is any more flavor that did sink to the bottom. Spoiler alert, there isn't. But you get a nice warm buzz so that's good. — 6 years ago
A nice red with a twist off lid. Really let's you get to the wine faster, I recommend drinking it right out of the bottle to save some time. — 7 years ago
A nice full body red, if you can pick one up on sale I highly recommend it. — 7 years ago
Sinclair Ballmes
Drink this one when you propose to the love of your life and the company you work for wants to give congratulations. — 5 years ago