Hard to discern the notes over the strong stench of alcohol. Smells like poison. Sour, very raw grape taste. One dimensional and not complex. Sweet and very acidic. — 4 years ago
Very bad. Seems to have spoiled. Had this in the cellar for one year, not sure what happened. Dumped it out. Normally a big fan of J. Rickards, but these zinfandels (2017 & 2018) were very bad. — 4 years ago
Plum and a hint of oak. Not a great wine - I liked the 2014, but this was a miss. — 4 years ago
Dry, smooth, a bit acidic, hints of cherry. — 3 months ago
Astounding. What all cabs strive to be. Full bodied, complex, smooth. — 4 years ago
Very bitter and acidic. Dumped out the bottle. — 4 years ago
Tastes like a very sharp Pinot. Dry. Decent, just not my kind of wine. — 4 years ago
Plum and fig scent. Strawberry/blackberry notes. Tart tart finish. Not bad, but I wouldn’t seek it out. — 4 years ago
Very good. Interesting profile, uniform throughout. Not deep, medium/bright with no kick; difficult to describe other than it just being an even amount of taste all the way through (no sudden surges). Strong hints of cherry. Would have it again, but not my favorite. I liked it less than Silver Oak and Daou, but more than Austin Hope. — 4 years ago
Sean Boyan
Very good. A bit acidic for my taste. Hints of cherry and blackberry. — 2 months ago