Decent malty brown ale. Stronger toffee than chocolate tones. — 7 years ago
Mellow up front- hint of raspberry with a sour finish. Maybe not exactly a favorite, and a little forgettable- but definitely drinkable. — 7 years ago
Sarah had this 7 years ago
For the Sour Wench: EXCELLENT blackberry beer. It's sour up front, tart blackberry finish. One of my favorite breweries- and one of my new favorites by them. — 7 years ago
For the Cool Breeze: Nice light saison with a crisp hoppy, light cucumber finish. Good for a create-your-own-6, but not one I'd buy a case of. — 7 years ago
One of the best anejos we've had. Very smooth. Sippable and goes down pretty easy. Vanilla and smoke tones. — 8 years ago
Vanilla smoke finish. Deceptively smooth. New winner on my fave list. — 7 years ago
More 'beer than cherry'... nice sweet cherry tones- not too tart or artificial. — 7 years ago
Great porter on the lighter, less malty side. Smooth vanilla up front, mellow finish. It's a porter you can almost drink like a lager. — 7 years ago
Sarah morgan
Very smooth. Strong vanilla. Mild smoke. — 6 years ago