Honestly, I'm very particular for Rieslings and this is just about perfect for me. Not /too/ sweet, a small touch of acidity, mouthfeel/finish are just where I want it. — 5 years ago
Ryan had this 5 years ago
Ryan had this 4 years ago
A bit of overripened fruit (date and plum), really beautiful flavor that isn't too assertive but very present. Mouthfeel is right where I want for a wine like this, finish is a hair dry, but the barrel character shines through. One of the best French reds I've had recently. — 5 years ago
Ryan had this 5 years ago
Ryan had this 5 years ago
Ryan had this 5 years ago
Ryan had this 5 years ago
Ryan had this 5 years ago
Ryan Kaminky
Ryan had this 4 years ago