Ryan had this 7 years ago
Drinkable! — 8 years ago
A rich Syrah, which is flavorful but a little hard to drink more than a glass of. Has a bitter end, but I enjoyed it well enough. — 8 years ago
Ryan had this 7 years ago
Not usually a white fan, but love this. Very drinkable, not too sweet, very nice chilled. Not gonna lie, drank a whole bottle in a sitting. — 7 years ago
Somewhat complex in flavor, it is pretty easy to drink, but not as smooth as other wines I've had. Somewhat fruity, a little bitter. — 8 years ago
Yummy! — 7 years ago
Not really my style over all so I'm a bit biased, but I'd say: somewhat dry, a hint of tartness. Very light. — 8 years ago
Ya know what, it's not the most complex wine, but boy is it drinkable. I'm a big fan of this wine, it's smooth, light, and has a good fruity flavor that's not overwhelmingly sweet. — 8 years ago
Ryan Johnson
Ryan had this 7 years ago