Full-bodied and fruit-forward without the syrupy sweetness of most inexpensive California zins. Great $11 beach wine and even better at home for $8.50 at Total Wine! — 10 years ago
Delicious! Went great with sushi from Wegman's. — 9 years ago
Medium body with good varietal character -- some bing cherry and a hint of earthiness -- this inexpensive Pinot is decent buy at the $15 beach price and would be a great bargain at the average price of $10 - $12. — 10 years ago
A rare instance of the most expensive wine in our Friday Night Blind tasting being the crowd favorite. Hats off to Cecile at Finewine.com for her recommendation! — 10 years ago
Consistently good Spanish value and a rare Montgomery county bargain on sale for $5.49 a bottle. — 11 years ago
Rob Garretson
Dark, rich red fruit with a touch of earth. It was a wine like this (on Nov. 17, 1989) that turned me on to fine wine! — 9 years ago