Good Oregon Pinot Gris, a soft finish, very light and drinkable — 8 years ago
Excellent Oregon Pinot, light, smooth, no bite or spice, good value. — 9 years ago
Nevada had this 8 years ago
Nevada had this 8 years ago
Recommend at wine shop and surprised by its drink ability. Not something I would ordinarily buy, but would so again. — 9 years ago
Excellent, smooth and light Pinot. — 9 years ago
Very Oaky. Overall, Light for a Malbec, was expecting something stronger. That being said it's light and drinkable. — 8 years ago
Average Cab, consistent but nothing outstanding. — 8 years ago
Good French Sauvignon blanc, very interesting glass cork, if anything the cork itself is a conversation piece. — 9 years ago
Nevada Smith
Wow! Outstanding 2014 vintage Pinot. Never heard of before and got as gift from sister-in-law who bought it at local restaurant because she was impressed they had it and they don't distribute outside of Oregon. — 7 years ago