Mickie had this 6 years ago
Mickie had this 6 years ago
Whoa, cranberry aperol spritz anyone? This gamay/Syrah is a treat. Super drinkable, but when you sit with it you can taste some lemon peel, even lemon oil, just like a twisted ribs on a cocktail. There’s some fresh cranberry too, the tart kind that’s just out of the big, but clean-washed with some sort of mountain water that’s so cold, it shocks the sugar in—this is anything but sweet. Really interesting acidity, sucking at the back of my mouth, leaving me wanting more. — 6 years ago
Whoa! Bone dry, puckering it’s so dry orange from Georgia. Tastes and smells like a scotch almost. Some earthy herbal qualities way on the finish, a whiff like an earthy craft ale, like yeast and spent hops. There is not a thing sweet or fruity about this. And I love it. Funky cool and not for everyone but fantastic — 6 years ago
A wine named to protest of the AOC laws in Cahors, which now mandate that wines be Malbec based, this 100% Juraçon Noir is like a fuck you to the term “light red”. Spicy, fruity, herby, jammy, juicy, and drinkable all at once, it’s the thing you reach for when the thought of a thin Pinot Noir or another whatever Gamay leave you sad. Solid acidity, low tannin and short finish, it’s made for quick sipping and enjoyment. Barbecue or Netflix and chill appropriate. — 6 years ago
Stony, lemon-lime citrus, smooth, and elegant but so drinkable. Sharp, tart acid. Really nice Sauv. — 6 years ago
May be time for me to explore the Dinger Lakes, as I enjoyed this so much. Super high acid on this, tart and vaguely tropical, right and dry and puckering even. But crisp, v light, drinkable and refreshing. Replace your Sauv Blanc with this on a hot day. — 6 years ago
Will forever remember this wine as the wine that made me truly like Riesling. Smells like a baby lime tree, with a hint of sweet, maybe simple syrup. Tastes so stony-cool, high acid, high minerality, but puckering at first with a punch of green apple (sour green apple?). Some lemon zest too. Really perfect for an early summer afternoon, drinking wine leisurely as I putz around. — 6 years ago
A Chardonnay I actually@ordered! Must mean it’s good. Buttery like a croissant that’s been let cool, crisp like the spring chill that hit just before I walked into the bar, it’s surprising yet familiar. The nose is sweet pear and lime,almost candied; on the palate it’s acidic, in the Loire cool tart style, with quince and maybe peach? It’s not fruity, and it’s definitely a Chard, but I like it. — 6 years ago
Mickie Meinhardt
A round, gorgeous, rich white with all the decadence if Spain. This is a royal wine. Tastes of honeysuckle, candied lemon, early peaches, and smells like gardenias. This is the wine of the Alhambra, of all the good things of Spain. — 6 years ago