Alexa Appelman
Bobby Stuckey
Master Sommelier, Partner Frasca Food & Wine, Vintner Scarpetta Wines
Chad Zeigler
Head Sommelier RN74 San Francisco
Christy Canterbury MW
Master of Wine
Delectable Wine
Follow to learn about our favorite wines & people.
Dustin Wilson, MS
Master Sommelier/Wine Director Eleven Madison Park
Hailey Budoff
Jordan Salcito
Sommelier/Wine Director Momofuku, Vintner Bellus Wines
Liz Smith
Richard Betts
Master Sommelier/Winemaker/Mezcalero Saint Glinglin, Sombra
Shannon Hurley
Tasting Room manager Faustini Wines, Leader wine education classes, Main contributor for the Faustini wines blog, Introductory level for CMS