Holding out on this one for a special occasion. 91 spectator rating. Spicy on the nose and palate. Dry with hints of dark berries. Pairs well with chocolate and cured provisions #SundayWineDown #DrinkFrance #CauseMyNameWasFrance — 10 years ago
Mia had this 10 years ago
Fruity slightly sweet finish — 10 years ago
If you like white grape juice, then you'll love this Moscato. Sweet on the nose and honey on the palate. Would pair well with anything spicy to counter the sweet. #SundayWineDown #DrinkLocal #MoscatoForMoo — 10 years ago
Awesome Trader Joe's find. Surprisingly sweet & fruity for a Cab. Cherry and cranberry on the nose. Subtle vanilla notes on the palate. Pairs well with pasta #SundayWineDown #DrinkLocal — 10 years ago
Great find at Costco. Smooth finish. — 10 years ago
Another Trader Joe's find perfect for al fresco dining. Florals the nose and subtle cherries on the palate. #SundayWineDown #DrinkFrance — 10 years ago
Fruity and floral, perfect for summer. Citrus and honey on the nose. Peach on the palate. Paired well with tonight's episode of #MarriedToMedicine. #sundaywinedown — 10 years ago
Sweet with a crisp finish. Fruity notes of pineapple and mango. #SundayWineDown #DrinkLocal — 10 years ago
Mia Centeno
Eh, this one was just *alright* for me. Juicy sweet fruit on the nose, but finished dry on the palate. If I didn't know any better, I would swear this was bottled water with food coloring. #SundayWineDown #organic — 9 years ago