Good table wine. expected to be sweet but was plesently surprised when it wasent. Easy to drink. Had in Barcelona while in study abroad 2015 — 10 years ago
One of my favorites. Good house wine not too expensive. — 10 years ago
Mediocre wine. Wasn't super impactful. But not bad either. Would drink again but probably wouldn't but it myself. — 10 years ago
Had on the beach in Barcelona. Perfect for the price. So cheap. Sweet tho. Couldn't drink a lot. — 10 years ago
Very good, a little sweet but not like most rosé I've had, and dry which is refreshing for a warm night. Easy to drink. — 10 years ago
Had it with Logan in Barcelona in 2015 not to bad easy to drink. — 10 years ago
Alittle too sparkling for my pleasure. But it was a good taste. For sure had to have it really cold. — 10 years ago
Beautiful bottle. Honestly bought it because of the bottle. Fruity at first then a spicy after taste. Would of loved it with dinner or chocolate. 💃🏻 — 10 years ago
Madison O'Brien
Had this with Allison ms Logan in Spain 2015. Super easy to drink and a little bubble at the end. Great afternoon/lunch drink. — 10 years ago