Really lovely red, easy to drink, will definitely buy again.
Also not drinking in a park on my own. I'm defo not that sad! — 2 years ago
The label says "crisp, refreshing and fruity" so I'm guessing the strong taste on my tongue is the crispness. It is very easy to drink this wine, now I'm not sure I'd buy it again but I'll finish the bottle now that its nearly empty! — 3 years ago
Really lovely wine from lidl, fresh, not acidic and an easy drinker, will defo buy again (this week!) — 6 years ago
Really smooth wine, leaves a lovely aftertaste, not too sharp and an easy drinker (the wine not me).
In my local corner shop I paid £9.99, a little expensive, I'd expect to see these prices in BP/Marks and Spencer or waitrose, however I like to support my local independent shop so I took a chance and glad I did!
BTW I'm not drinking in my local park, it's the only option near my house 😁 — 2 years ago
This is one of Morrisons The Best range an Alvarinho from Portugal and I'm really enjoying drinking this one alone. It's got a strong aftertaste, which is what I prefer to those light acidic wines, I would happily recommend others try it especially if you're on your own cos why not! Notwithstanding you'll get the whole bottle to yourself, another bonus. — 2 years ago
I usually steer clear of rose wine as I only drink white, but it was a gift so I couldn't give it back. I chuffed one glass down in under a minute and forgot I should take it slow as it's a miniature bottle not a full sized one, so my last glass will be sipped as slow as humanly poss.
What a shame cos it's not as bad as I imagined it to be, yes it's sweet but there's a nice aftertaste that I can't describe, if you're after a rose you can't go wrong buying this one, I think you'll be surprised 👍😉 — 6 years ago
I've been drinking mostly reds again but my son bought me this white and I absolutely loved it so might be switching back to white!
I really enjoy a full bodied wine and this didn't disappoint one bit. It's full of flavour, leaving a pleasant after taste, nothing sharp or acidic.
I would definitely recommend this wine for any occasion.
Oh and I'm not drinking this at a primary Sch, the options were either a closed Sch or pitch black park, so my imaginary place tonight is the Sch because it does have security lighting and benches for me to sit and rest my legs after not walking there 😁 — 2 years ago
Absolutely lovely chardonnay, nice full bodied wine, will definitely buy again. — 2 years ago
A nice strong taste and smell compared to my usual chardonnay choices, it's tasty and rather lovely and I'll definitely buy this one again. I believe tesco had it on offer when I did my online shop, usual price was a tenner but I think I bought it for £8, giving me a reason to buy this over my usual £7-£8 wines. — 3 years ago
Lisa Chalmers
This is gorgeous, the label says 9 months of Oak aging so this is prob who, because I love the oak!
It's quite heavy on the palate but goes down well 😁.
I would defo recommend if you enjoy medium bodied red wine. — 20 days ago