$14.99 @ Wegman's: Mediium straw core, with water white rim; lovely lemony, light melon aroma, gentle minerality, opening to surprisingly long, refreshing, mouthwatering acidic finish. Originally looking for RRV Chard to complement the mustard greens in my rich Hoppin' John recipe, but this cut through the unctuous stew beautifully. — 8 years ago
This wine (2013) is the reason for remainder bins. Bought it strictly for the unoaked aspect, and the unusual opacity of the bottle. Worth the $15 experiment, but the viscosity of the wine was disturbing. Lanolin? Past it's prime in 2017? — 8 years ago
Actually, this is NOT a Puglian wine. Abrutian Apennines grapes, bottled in Pontedera, within the Tuscan province of Pisa. Low/medium ruby color, slightly brick rim, low aromatics (cherry, predominantly), medium tannin (6 months in oak), medium acidity, medium alcohol (12.5). Pleasing with a pizza. — 8 years ago
Larry Balin
.1 off for a barnyard-y aroma. Otherwise a great example of Marlborough's style. — 8 years ago