A pleasant New World Riesling. A nose of citrus and garden hose with a hint of apple. Tastes of bright acidity cutting through a lean minerality. Pleasant, but it definitely won't replace the German Rieslings on my table, although I'd gladly serve it alongside. — 9 years ago
Citrus. Mineral. Yum! — 9 years ago
Not a favorite. Very rough around the edges -- not bad for making Weinschorle, though. — 9 years ago
A deceptively sweet nose gives way before a pleasing, zippy acidity that cuts through a harmonious blend of minerality and notes of strawberry. Light effervescence completes the package. I paired this with New Mexico-style red chile and somehow, this wine was not only not overwhelmed, it shone even brighter. Fantastic! #schlossgobelsburg #roséseasonneverends #osterreich #austria — 9 years ago
Straw-colored. A nose that sits (not unpleasantly) somewhere between rubber hose and flinty stone with a slight hint of orange blossom. A surprisingly thin mouth feel where stony notes meet a powerful citrusy flavor that carries the day. Very pleasant. — 9 years ago
Barely worthy of the appellation -- but I saw it for 11 EUR in Germany and couldn't resist. For that price, it is a nice value. Light and easy drinking -- but don't turn to this looking for classic Chateauneuf-du-Pape characteristics. You'll have to strain the credulity of your senses to find them here. — 9 years ago
Harmonious and very chalky! The nose reminded me of spring rain on purple lilac or maybe honeysuckle. An absolute star, although not necessarily representative of the "classic" kimmeridgian soil profile -- it's borderline New World big, but in a really good way. Yum! #pouillyfumé #loirevalleywines — 9 years ago
Another reviewer said "delicate, balanced, and light." How right they are! This one is well-worth rolling around the tongue with every sip to pick up all the various notes. — 9 years ago
An absolute revelation. Structured, complex, marvelous. Hints of pepper from the Carignan Blanc accentuate the honied, flowery notes of Clairette in masterful fashion. This one has a lot going on and it is all amazing. I had it paired with sheep milk cheese from Corsica and goat milk cheese from Poitou. Extraordinary experience. — 9 years ago
Kevin Lord
Fabulous. A nose with hints of bubble gum and vanilla with citrus notes. The taste is much the same with the addition of a chalky minerality that is nearly sublime. — 9 years ago