What can I say. This is the very definition of cheap rose in the South of France. M loves it, and wants more. So be it. — 9 years ago
Grenache led Faugeres. Love the region, hoped for more. Just not a well balanced wine...too soft in front, too sharp in back, not much in the middle, unless you're really looking for it. A little improvement with time as it opens up but still not impressed...not exactly dumping the bottle but a big old meh. — 9 years ago
Not bad at all...looks cheap....but it's put together really well. — 8 years ago
Very well made. Restrained fruit, classic pic st loup garrigue. Great structure for a first tier wine. Fruit really came out with time, and the wine never lost its integrity. Can't wait to taste more from this vineyard. 2014 vintage. — 9 years ago
A little wine that holds it's own. Grenache led, uncomplicated red fruits adopting a nice silky vanilla as it opens up. Drank it with my chicken stroganoff and it was surprisingly well behaved. I wouldn't gift it, but certainly worth consideration for a lazy easy week-day wine. — 9 years ago
We picked this up in 2012 at the winery, and then forgot about it till now. It's held up fantastic. Well established roussanne character with a nice silky mouthfeel and an honest backbone. Can't wait to revisit and try the latest vintage. — 10 years ago
Really not that bad. Despite the bottle that harkens back to an age of mass produced co-op swill...this is solid and affable table wine. Pleasant fresh red berry fruit bursting with the right amount of tart...a vague hint of meatiness, and a pleasant velvet finish — 9 years ago
Nope. Not sure what other reviewers were tasting. Maybe a different vintage? Plus M says it's been giving her headaches like crazy. — 9 years ago
An unusual cab, merlot, syrah blend from the Languedoc. Made with care, as opposed to comfortably being billed a novelty. Too floral for M, but a definite rebuy in the future. Too easy to like. Tastes a little California which is a welcome change about now for this expat. — 9 years ago
Kenta Usuzawa
Solid. — 8 years ago