Nice non sparkly Moscato. Not over the top sweet, and great with deserts! — 8 years ago
Dry but pleasant. Not sure it will keep me up all night but I would drink it again. — 8 years ago
This was not good. No flavor, had an unpleasant bite. Truly, dumped it and found something else. — 7 years ago
Perfect summer wine. Sweet and smoother nice pleasant finish. — 8 years ago
Sounds interesting, but not good. It is purely bitter and rather on the watery side. Perhaps with food it would be ok but on its own it is unremarkable. — 8 years ago
This is really different and great! Kind of floral hints, but not heavy. Kind if citrus hints but not bite. 👍👍 — 8 years ago
Great balance of sweet and dry. It's almost got a smokey hint? Yumm — 8 years ago
Accidental try and very pleasant surprise. A smooth merlot, with a cherry overtone that is pretty good! — 8 years ago
Karina Henderson
Smooth, almost a spicey and whiskey tone as the finish. 😍 — 4 years ago