Bloody good bordeaux. Everything a bordeaux should be but prefer more tannins personally. — 6 years ago
Not a great bordeaux but a great average bordeaux if you get my drift. Well balanced, not too acidic, pleasant tannins and none of that fruity nonsense that spoils a good Claret . — 5 years ago
Great wine. Great value. — 6 years ago
Not a bad wine for the price. Decided to be brave and chance an Australian blend and not disappointed nor yet will I buy again in a hurry — 5 years ago
Julian had this 6 years ago
Nice wine although a little on the light side for me — 6 years ago
Julian Currie
Not a great bordeaux but a great average bordeaux if you get my drift. Well balanced, not too acidic, pleasant tannins and none of that fruity nonsense that messes up a good claret. — 5 years ago