Strikingly good value. A rounded, sophisticated offering, — 8 years ago
2009 vintage already very drinkable and delicious: not as full-bodied as a classic Amarone, so goes well with lighter meats. Good value at €22. — 10 years ago
The bouquet is like opening a box of chocolates. Surprisingly full flavoured for a three year old wine, let alone one of only 12.5%. Cherries and some earthiness. A bit of a rasp in the aftertaste. But, hell, it’s only three years old. I’ll be buying a case to lay down, because in a couple of years it’ll be terrific. — 7 years ago
John had this 9 years ago
Honey with melon and apricots. Wonderfully rich, deep nose. Exceptional. — 10 years ago
John had this 7 years ago
Thoroughly fine Rioja. — 8 years ago
A wine you just can't stop drinking. Velvety magic. — 9 years ago
John Hooper
Unusual. Starts poorly, with an odd, ‘onion skin’ taste straight out of the bottle, but soon blossoms into a quite remarkably rounded, yet light, mouthful. — 5 years ago