Received as a Christmas gift from Phyllis. Excellent!!! 80% Semillon and 20% Sauvignon. I'd give it a 92 - 93. — 12 years ago
John had this 12 years ago
John had this 12 years ago
John had this 12 years ago
From Michelle, Christmas 2012. She asked I think of her as I drink it. — 12 years ago
This is a standard selection in the PA wine stores. Bought it when it was on special at $3 off for a price of $12.99. I prefer my reds to have some spicey bite to them and some (as 4 out of 10) fruityness to them. The back label describes it as"dominate flavored of pomegranate and black currant." That sounds about right to me. This Syrah is right in my wheelhouse - 88-89. I'd serve this to friends who like reds and aren't to hooty snooty. — 12 years ago
John had this 12 years ago
This is one of my favorite red wines. I've been told it is the most popular Spanish wine in Spain. It has a nice Shiraz / Zinfandel taste, good spice bite to it - the taste of blackberries that aren't fully ripe and black currant. Normal price in Pa is $17.99, although sometimes it's put on special with with $2 off - then I will buy a small stock of them. — 12 years ago
John had this 12 years ago
John Gillen
John had this 12 years ago