Watery. It was fine. I liked it. Drinkable for me, and I normally don't like reds. — 12 years ago
Thought I remembered not liking four buck Chuck Chardonnay, but it's not bad. Kind of sweet. Clean after taste. Smells like green grapes. — 12 years ago
Ok. Did not enjoy but wasn't horrible. A little smoky. Tasted like sour grapes to me. — 11 years ago
Not very good...not a lot of taste... — 12 years ago
Okay. Chewy. Wet. Liked it better the second day. — 12 years ago
Was acrid and bitter. Not very enjoyable. — 12 years ago
Not HORRIBLE, but didn't like it. Could taste sour apple, which was fine, but...it just wasn't all that enjoyable. — 11 years ago
I found this unpleasant and harsh with hints of sourness. — 12 years ago
Fine but I liked Turning Leaf better. Don't think this was sweet. — 12 years ago
I liked it. It was maybe the most tolerable red for me. Not harsh. Finished a little sweet. — 10 years ago