Clearly young, clearly very promising. — 9 years ago
A nice, round Marsanne. Mild acidity, pleasing fruit. On the other hand, had it with a spicy meal so don't quote me. — 2 years ago
For a good-not-great year a really nice wine. Great in the mouth, lovely classic flavors of pinot (I get dark cherry, more currant than raspberry, and something mint with almost a bit of sandalwood perhaps from the oak?). Regardless, I'm wishing our friend had gifted more than one bottle. — 9 years ago
Jeff had this 2 years ago
If you like juicy Primitivos from Manduria, this is a tasty and reasonable one. — 2 years ago
Jeff had this 10 years ago
Jeff Spock
Some went into the lamb shanks and we drank the rest.
Loved the berry in the nose and on the palate. Incredible an hour after opening--soft and rich, tannins adding character without stepping on the taste buds. — 3 months ago