My husband bought this on his way back from Colorado. It's lovely, and made for a nice addition to a night with friends on our back deck! — 11 years ago
This. Is. Delicious! I bought this about a year ago and just got around to opening it. It was well worth the wait, and I'm looking forward to buying more! I was worried in the beginning, as the cork smelled a bit like vinegar, but that was not in the taste at all. — 11 years ago
We're trying to do a your of all of the CT wineries this year. We went to the Northwestern corner of the state, and this was a gem from that trip. The staff was wonderful, and we had a wonderful time. In addition, this is a rare white that I liked enough to bring home with me! 😄 — 11 years ago
Another lovely gem from the Northwestern corner of out little state! We were in for a treat, as the staff here really know how to treat a guest, and this made out top choice of their many lovely wines! Full flavored and just a bit sweet, we are looking forward to having this on a weekend night that we can spend together alone. — 11 years ago
Jason Schachter-Kiss
A friend brought this over tonight to share, and I'm thrilled that he did. I am not generally a fan of Rieslings,; I generally find them cloyingly sweet and tasting of lollipops. However, this was nicely balanced, and prefect for the very hot evening! The bottle was drained quickly, making me wish we had another! — 11 years ago